I am trying to solve a planing problem, and it seems can’t get the answer that fits all puzzle pieces of the picture.
I have a spot roughly 35X45 ’ (longer dimension going north to south). There are woods on the North side, about 40’ of lawn(shady) and woods on the east side, lawn on the south side, house on the south-west corner and vegetable garden on the west. I want to plant 2 apple trees on b9(each about 4 years old, transplanting from old place), one espaliered apple on G890, one semi-dwarf apricot(most likely on St Julien
A) and Ichi-Ki-Kei-Jiro Persimmon. Also, it would be nice to fit there about 12-15 bushes of Raspberries. Here is the rough picture:
What ever I do, it seems I always get some plants shade others. In attached pictures persimmon will be shading apples. If I switch rows, persimmon and apricot will be shading the garden…
Never realized that it could be so difficult to plant on 2+ acres of cleared land and fight for the sun so badly. The worst thing, woods on the east are not removable - there is a creek there and cutting is not allowed. And we don’t want to cut the trees there as well, because trees hold the shore of it, the drop is pretty deep and will erode without trees. Let’s see if this fine community has any ideas!
id definitely try to put your biggest growing trees to the north but besides that i think thats about all you can really do. where you putting your currants? i have some tiben for you if you’re interested.
Maybe, but probably not now and not next spring - too much to do. Now I only transplanted 4 beds of strawberries, currants and honey berries and my previously potted collection of 24 hostas. I still need to make a bed and plant garlic in October, transplant 3 apple trees, three sour cherry trees(they going to other side of the house), dig up and plant/store a lot of perennials, both edible and decorative, plant out potted raspberries, currants and grapes. In later fall I need to build and fill garden beds, shred fall leaves to mulch my transplants, in spring peach, persimmon, apricot and another sour cherry have to be planted.
I am not really sure how I can achieve it - I work full time, still have house and shed to be set up…May be next year!
I hesitated to do that, because apples on b9 already established trees and apricot and persimmon may get shaded by them first year or two… But I draw it anyway and I thing it is a solution! Thanks for the idea!
Top left - apricot, bottom left - persimmon, grey circles inside - the size of first year or two. Green shapes are apples, as you can see they shouldn’t shade left row trees too badly while they are small. Red rectangle - raspberries, still fit.