For some reason Andromeda has flowered profusely this year and they have been in bloom for over a month. Actually they started showing white in February so that’s 2 months of color.
I like pieris Japonica…but they are tougher than Rhododendrons to grow successfully.
Location. They are easy to grow here and I sometimes find seedling.
Another good year for our variegated andromeda. Looks whiter this year. Weather has been unusual. It’s about 7 ft tall and never needed pruning except when occasional growth reverted to green. I tried rooting cuttings with no success. I should try air layering this year.
A lovely shrub. But, like rhododendron and mountain laurel, you plant several and a few of them don’t make it.
There are some areas around here where mountain laurel grow wild. Rhododendron grow well in my sandy acidic soil although they sometimes need some extra watering. That said, I’ve had rhododendrons suddenly die and the named varieties of mountain laurels haven’t grown well due to disease except for one of them that is planted in a different area. Maybe it’s a soil issue.
I do have PJM rhododendrons that have grown unexpectedly well. I bought a few $2.99 plants years ago and they are now huge. They are the first to bloom and this year, with the warm weather, they are blooming 3 weeks early.
Yes, I have some mountain laurel growing wild on my property…a south facing hill/mountain top with sandy acidic soil. Huckleberries, sourwood and sassafras too. To some of us a few hundred feet are mountains, but I am sure those in the Rockies would argue with that.