Pacific Northwest Fruit & Nut Growers

Murky-Thanks for the splash. It tasted good. It was very hard when I received it. Is that how they are? I waited several days to eat it, because it seemed like it was going to ripen and become sweeter and more complex. Thx for the distinction between Howard Miracle. Yes, they are very soft when falling from the tree. Reminds me of eating too many peaches when I was a kid, because they were so good, you couldn’t stop. Even though you knew there would be “digestive consequences” even at that age.

John S

I try to pick the Splash ready to eat, and those were picked at the early end of the harvest window I think. Some family had just come by the day before and I picked all the ones I thought were ready already.

I was busy Sunday and inside sick yesterday, but I’ve been really enjoying the Howard Miracle I picked on Saturday. I’m glad they are in the house instead of out on the tree. I still haven’t checked to see if things have split from the rains.

My sole Howard Miracle split today. I picked the last of my Japanese plums yesterday to avoid the splitting that was for sure coming.

Which honey berry varieties do you have?

Is it ripe though?

My first time eating a Howard Miracle, so it’s hard for me to judge. From the softness I’d say it was fairly near ripe, but from some peoples pics it seemed not quite the right color yet.

Hard for me to say really, when I’ve never had one before?

Was it delicious?

It was OK, it was better than my other Japanese or hybrid plums that produced for the first time this year. The first year green gage plums I ate last week were 10X better IMO.

Pawpaws sizing up




First main crop fig. In ground. No headstart


Oh, ripe this week. Wow. Is it good?

letting it hang till it’s really ripe.

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Not a good as reliance

Mine look about the same size too! I only have 3 though😅

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[ ] Boreal Beast Honeyberry- Late Blooming
[ ] Aurora
[ ] Bluemoon
[ ] Tundra
[ ] Boreal
[ ] Berry Blue
[ ] Happy Giant
[ ] Blue banana
[ ] Blue Diamond

4 of these are gone. Don’t remember exactly which but i think it’s Blue Diamond, Blue banana, Aurora, and happy giant. I had someone come by and grab 4 the other day.

The boreal and berry blue are 5 gallon plants, everybody else is about a year outside of one green world and stark bros so they’re still small. All have tags except Tundra because that one sprouted legs and ran off. That’s the only Honeyberry that i don’t have tags for.

You must have a really excellent microclimate. My RdB are just starting to show visible color. I visited the 3 fig trees on the UW campus last week - campus has a warm local climate and their mains are way ahead of mine, but even they aren’t this far along. And/or Albo is crazy early…?

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Excited to try some Yuzu for the first time this year. This is the first time my 3rd year in-ground tree has set fruit. Don’t know how ripe they are going to get, but you [can] use them green, supposedly.


I have fruits on my yuzu too! But they are behind yours.

Albo is usually a bit earlier than RDB. And has a very long season into late October.


What area are you in?