Pai Li Asian pear


They are good firm but not exceptional. Drippin Honey is much better. DH is slow to produce but pai li is very fast. It’s good to have something to eat and it’s good just not the best.



I’ve had some problems with drippin honey not doing as well here. Something about not liking -29F last year :slight_smile: Of course I had to prune back Korean giant too, but the damage on it wasn’t as severe.

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That’s good information as I was not sure how much cold they could handle. They had no problems at around -20F. Was that only -15F I have no way to know in that spot but I know it was cold! They were not alive here in 1989 and that was the last time we saw -26 F

When does Drippin Honey ripen in relation to KG? Is DH any better than KG?

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DH ripens in August whereas KG ripens late in the year around October. They are both very good quality. KG sometimes does not have time to reach top quality before the cold comes. DH sometimes cracks if there is to much rain. KG is prone to rot. In Kansas I prefer drippin’ honey. There is no need to choose one over the other why not grow both?

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I knew they were wrong. Guernys had it in October. They are the only one selling it also. I have tons of early and late asians. I’m trying to fill the mid gap a little.

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@Robert Here is thread it says it all Drippin' Honey Asian Pear

Have you tried Raja? I’m going to graft some Raja trees next year. They are incredible growers. I’d say almost twice the growth speed of any other asian pear. Perfect to get sales size quickly.



Have not tried raja.

Pai li is a heavy bloomer be ready to thin


They are really heavy producers!


They are also fast growers. I’m still waiting on flowers though.

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Heavy with blooms again 4/18/23



You are going to have bump harvest this year!
What do you use to pollinate Paili? I have found Paili blooms earlier than the rest of the the Asian pears



Other early pears like douglas , improved kieffer etc…sets a really heavy crop!

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Thank you Clark. I need to graft a few to pollinate the Paili

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Originally @tonyOmahaz5 had told me about growing this pear. The only problem i ever have with it is producing to much fruit. The fruit is not as large as some, but it is a pear i enjoy fresh in its season.


Nice! Yall are far along in spring!

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I think Tippy shared the scion with me. It is type of pear that is popular in Beijing’s market in the winter

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What your Pai Li pear looks like, please?

Your description of Pai Li pear does not match the description of Cricket Hill nursery.

The flowers in your pic reminds me of my 20th Century, Nijisseiki which is a small, mellow yellow pear. 20th Century sets fruit in abundant.