Passiflora edulis "Frederick"

A few days ago I noticed Barnacle Scale on my Frederick Passion Fruit. Boy do they look hungry! So I fed them some Temprid SC, according to the label for Bayer Leverage 360.

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I killed the barnacle scale but there was a lot of die-back on the vine. Today I removed all the outer growth and happily found the leaders I had trained along the fence were still alive.

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Yikes, that’s a lot of dead material. Do you expect much fruit this year? My PF vine is healthy, too bad it doesn’t fruit at all :frowning:

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I’ll be surprised if it produces fruit this year.

How are passion fruits doing?

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I won the battle but lost the war. The plant died last year and I replaced it with a Pandorea pandorana vine.

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Sorry to see that loss.
How is this new plant doing?


They are slow to establish here but then beautiful in the Spring.

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I lost mine last summer also, it got cooked in the heat wave. Replaced now by one of its offspring.


Here’s my Frederick


Nice. What’s the trellis there? 4x4x8 posts and 4 level wires between them? How wide did you go? I am in the process of relocating my vine with a new trellis.

LOL. With Frederick, it is difficult to make it wide enough. I’ve seen 100’ long x 8’ high in Encinitas with active hedging on both sides, top, and end.