Paw paw

Very Nice. Might be my worst year yet for Paw Paws between late frost & blight . Now my Seedlings in Greenhouse Got a Leaf Spot so I had to move them outside to seperate everything.
I treated with copper fungicide but these certainly look pitiful…

Hi Tony,
Just checking in to see if anything is happening in the flower or fruit category,with the Kentucky Champion and Merrill Pawpaws.
My KC seedling is over seven feet now and had about eight flowers.I’m not sure if they will fruit though.

The two trees are now over ten feet tall. Last year late freeze burned all of the flowers. This Year I hand pollinated them with the Mango pawpaw flowers and hopefully they will set some fruits for a taste test. This is why I don’t grow to many paw paw trees from seeds. They took for ever to fruit. My grafted trees usually fruited in 2 to 3 years.
