Pawpaw rootstock source? (for now)

Who sells pawpaw trees atleast 2 years old on here reliably

I think you are too late. Most places sold out rootstock a while back and slim pickings a few weeks ago (those remaining ones look sold out).
You can try searching FB marketplace to see if any in your area (but most of the time they have non-graftable 1yo rootstock if thats what you are looking for).

If you don’t need for grafting, then Edible Landscaping has 3gallon sized ones, but they will cost $125 each minus shipping.
Check FB 1st.

A couple months ago I bought a few 2ft bare root from one nursery thinking being that young they would bounce back but they never broke dormancy and dried up. Do not buy bare root pawpaws from anyone, especially if you are relying on them after buying scionwood.

I scoured the web and found Edgewood Nursery had five 1yr old dormant seedlings of known varieties for $30 and they came in the mail a few days ago with all of the roots attached and he even used super cheap shipping through USPS.

If you go that route as well just be aware that his description of 12” apparently means roots included. They were all about 4-5” tall, which is all some of my homegrown 1yr old seedlings are as well.

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Agree. Years ago I lost every single bare root pawpaw I planted in several batches.

Bare root pawpaws: Just Say No

The best places around for pawpaw rootstock tend to be the state nurseries. Missouri (Order Seedlings | Missouri Department of Conservation) will ship out of state, and some of the other midwestern states supply their own residents with pawpaw trees.

Since the prices at these places are fantastic, they sell out fast and you’ll probably need to order the morning they start taking orders.

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