Pawpaw transplant

I don’t know how to read the image you posted, but looks like a 24 degrees sitting on top of SW Washington.

The resolution is terrible on those long range ones, but there’s also a tiny green dot over Portland, which means probably above freezing in the city proper, and you can see the light blue area around that, so anywhere not at higher elevation would be 28+, and that’s just a single run and the worst frame I could find, most runs show milder lows. Think of it more as part of a range of possibilities as this distance out, not a real prediction of any sort

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Protect them from full sun
PawPaws resent transplanting.

The idea is for the tree tube to protect from full sun.

The notion of doing it soon, and keeping them together, was meant to minimize root disturbance - hoping to make transplant less stressful.

Blueberry may have talked me into dividing them. Will likely depend on whims of the moment, and what else is going on at the time.


Sorry for the necro @murky, I realize this is a long delay.

How did that work out for you using the grow tubes on those young paw paw seedlings?

Were the tree tubes adequate protection from the sun?

Did you use the white, or the blue color tree tubes?

Anyone with experience using tubes on young paw paws, your feedback would be appreciated.

How did this turn out for you @figjamjar ?

I can’t speak to 1st year seedling pawpaw, but I can confirm 1-year old pawpaw (which varied in height from just 8" up to 2’ at planting) did just fine in full sun in MI in white Tree Pro tubes.

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4/5 survived thus far! I transplanted them into the ground in 2022 and then grew them under shade cloth up until last year. They’re taller than I am now but I don’t have a nice recent picture of them in 2024.