Pawpaw Varieties

There is nothing wrong with Tropical Treat but if you are just getting a few pawpaws I would lean more towards KSU Chappelle, Potomac, Atwood and Shenandoah. They are larger and higher quality fruit. I have Tropical Treat but it is more of a collectors pawpaw for people that have all the others and want a few more unique ones.


Taste is always subjective and seems particularly so in pawpaws. But for what it’s worth, I tasted my first Tropical Treat fruit this year, and I thought it was excellent - better than my Shenandoah, Wabash, Rappahannock and Susquehanna. The Tropical Treat fruit was smaller on average, but I would prefer it. I think the name is very appropriate too - much more mango-like than the others I mentioned and no aftertaste at all.


I find that they are all pretty good and it really comes down to if it has that nasty metal after taste or not.

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I agree, I seem to be particularly sensitive to the chemical-ish aftertaste, while my wife doesn’t seem to notice it. But among the good varieties, I think there’s still a fair amount of variety in how they taste and how strong the flavor is.

I agree. Maybe more than any other fruit.

I am just beginner, so trying to graft a tropical treat is out for me. Trying to find half a dozen or so varieties to spit with another family member… So far I have ordered a Shenandoah, Wabash, and Susquehanna. I have located a Mango but on the Fence about the Mango. Local nursery only has native seedlings, and I’d rather get grafted varieties. But would love to throw an outstanding variety or two into the mix.

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I bought all my grafted ones as well. They grow kind of slow, so buying one shaves off a lot of time. They grow wild here and I will start grafting those next year.

The varieties you ordered are among the best in the world. Tropical Treat is very good it is just harder to find and also a bit more seedy and smaller than the ones you already ordered. Those ones are a very good start. If you are going to find Tropical Treat for sale it would be from England’s Orchard or maybe Peaceful Heritage.
Grafting is intimidating but pretty easy and totally worth it. I have nearly 50 different varieties now because grafting makes it so easy to add more.


Wow! I am jealous! Thanks for the info! Is Mango worth getting?

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Mango is quite good but it is very soft and can be a bit watery. Many people really like it the flavor though.

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If you’re looking for Tropical Treat trees, you could also contact Woody Walker (pawpawplanet)

He’s the one who discovered it and often sells grafted trees. I bought my tree directly from him at a pawpaw festival in NC. I think Cliff England is only selling scionwood at the moment.

Thank you so much! I had looked on the internet but did not find anything. You info helps a ton!

Peaceful Heritage sells good quality grafted trees every late spring/early summer. But you have to be ready for when the trees go online because they sell out within an hour…some varieties in minutes. I believe he had tropical treat this past year.

thanks for the heads-up! I have been amazed as to how difficult some of these varieties are to locate!

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I suggest to all new pawpaw growers to plant twice the number of plants you think you need or want. It’s real easy to lose pawpaws the first year or two plus more trees might improve pollination chances. And be sure to plant them close like 12 feet apart to improve pollination chances.


I’ve actually begun putting 2 or 3 seedlings in the same planting hole. That should be great for pollination…I’ll know in a few years if this is a good idea I suppose.


Theres over 4000 variety of mango. Some taste like lemon,fruit punch ,pina colada,peaches,citrus! I agree pawpaw is up there but probably not that high.

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Mango has an unfair advantage as it grows world wide naturally. Everywhere you find it there is a different flavor. Unfortunately all the grocery store versions are the same. I love the tropical fruits and nuts. Better than everything I can grow here.

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Yes pawpaw is an awesome thing for people who love tropicals but cant grow them. Its definitely easier than trying to protect the other anonnas in winter. This is a 4yr old seeding fruit.


I am considering planting my pawpaw trees either inside, or right next to a horse pasture. Figured the pawpaws might like all the flies in the pasture, any there would be less tree litter in my yard. Does anyone have horses near their trees or know if horses will eat either the tree itself, or the fruit? The horses don’t bother the figs, persimmons, and pecans. Thanks