Pawpaws in 2022

For ambrosial beetle problems that bad I would be annually painting the trunks with thick latex paint (indoor paint, diluted 50% with water) and mixed with some insecticide like neem or essential oils. That sounds awful.


Really? Geezzzā€¦ this is a rare varietyā€¦

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What about fish/shellfish emulsions? Thatā€™s my main N fertilizer and what I was planning to apply to my pawpaws today.

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They should start budding in 1-3 weeks. Longer than that and I would regraft probably.


Those work very well.


Thanks! I think itā€™s been 4 weeks. This week has been unseasonably cool, so Iā€™ll give them another try when weā€™re back in the warm weather.

It looks similar to when Iā€™ve had root rot issues with other trees. It looks like that planting hole is small, could you dig it back up, dig a much wider hole, and add something to improve drainage or plant on a mound? I havenā€™t seen it with pawpaws specifically though.

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This place where he is is very free drainingā€¦ i have others on muche heavier soil and donā€™t have any problemā€¦ it can be lack of nutrients?


Did the leaves start out a darker color and then faded?

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I think they fade and fallā€¦ but not shureā€¦

Maybe herbicide damage ?


yeah, I never graft pawpaws until itā€™s about 80 F.


Hi. No. I never use it on my orchardā€¦


Over the years of growing thousands of pawpaw trees I have seen that they are very sensitive. Once they show any kind of issue they are usually doomed. Not what many would like to hear, but thatā€™s been my experience and observation. They are finicky beings. A major reason for that is the fact that they are a heavily suckering species meant to be allowed to sucker indefinitely. Therefore, the plant itself does not ā€˜put much emphasisā€™ on a single trunk. If it is showing issues, it has little recourse. The plant then sends up many suckers to replace the one diseased/damaged/undermined stem.


I agree with this.
@Luisport if that were my tree i would have little hope for it. Sorry! :frowning:


Yes i agree with itā€¦ i was thinking on a virus or something like thatā€¦ itā€™s the KSU Chappelle rare variety but i will get another oneā€¦

We carry it. Itā€™s not a rare variety BTW. But a really good one!


Where did that sickly tree come from?

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Here it is very rareā€¦

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Central EU. But itā€™s strange because it just happened to this tree and more people get the same variety with no problemā€¦

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