Peach blossoms set?

I’m familiar with how to tell when the pears, plums, apples and what not have set fruit, but I’m not sure about the peaches (I only have one peach tree and don’t have much history with them). Are these blossoms set or is it still too early to tell?

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Too early, but a good sign when you see the pollen tube outgrow the anthers. On some peach varieties that seems to indicate fruit set.

I see that bugger sticking straight out there in your pic.


Aweome Olpea. I’ve grown nice apples and pears and even occasionally have nice plums and sour cherries, but I’ve not had a ton of luck with peaches and I’d love for that to change. Thanks for the response.

Too early to tell for sure I have a peach tree in container in front of house and one in the ground at the back. Sometimes even when you see little fruitlets they may not be set (not pollinated sufficiently? ) and they can still fall off. I have some fruitlets that fell off… Then the June drop will probably get some as well. HTH

It’s odd, but the “flowers” really haven’t changed much since I posted that photo 7 days ago, though a few of them have shriveled and fallen off. Maybe if time allows today I’ll get another photo and see if anyone can point out any other tell-tale signs that it’s set fruit.

It is normal. It takes quite a while for them to change.

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Eventually, they’ll plump up, and bust out of their flowerish trappings. This is called the “Shuck Split.” Here’s a few of mine.


Yeah, haven’t seen that yet. Here’s a photo that I just took, I’m hopeful that they’re pollinated, but who knows.

Olpea made a great observation on a different thread, and that was that a good indication a peach flower was setting fruit is when that middle pistil sticks out farther than all the rest. I observed that to hold true in my orchard this year, and, according to that measuring stick both of the flowers in your picture look like they’ve been pollinated and are setting fruit.

That would be excellent and I will remember that tip for future reference.

Yep, I’m happy to report that many of the peach blossoms set fruit. It’s amazing how quickly they go from “no idea” to “hey, that’s a peach on there”. I’ve got about 30 little peaches set. It’s a well-established tree, so I’ll let all of them ripen. Contender if anyone was curious.


The most important step is to protect them now. This is the time when the dreaded peach enemies like Oriental fruit moths, plum curculios and coddling moths start feeding. If you are lucky, stinkbugs will join the gangs, too.