You were probably typing your post while Olpea typed his, so you may now have seen his answer. Make no mistake, he has forgotten more about peaches than I’ll ever know! I haven’t tried Actara and as good as effective as he makes it sound, I have bee hives so I probably won’t try it.
You are right that Imidan 70-W would last for a very long time, but I think it takes a little more than what you calculated. In case you haven’t seen it, here is a wonderful conversion for several items that only have per-acre amounts on the bottle:
Surround is for organic growers. I admire their efforts and respect their desire not to use chemicals, but unless you are just he__-bent on being purely organic, I STRONGLY suggest you not try surround. You have to reapply it constantly, and even then its effectiveness in areas like ours is very shaky according to most. I really don’t want to suggest that all our organic growers are doomed to failure- they are great people trying to do the right thing and some succeed. But it requires an amazing amount of work and still may not provide protection in areas like yours. Please think and study very carefully before deciding to go with surround as PC protection.