Peach Rootstock Tumor?

Hi all I was checking my small peach trees out today and I noticed one of them (the most vigorous growing one) has a tumor looking growth on the rootstock (nemaguard) below the graft point. I’m certain it wasnt there when I got the trees in Oct. 2022. Is this something I should be concerned about? Below are photos.

Secondary question, is it normal for peach trees to sprout new growth a lot right at the soil line on the rootstock? Every month or so during Spring and Summer I have to pinch off growth that’s trying to come in around the circumference of the root stock, sometimes below the soil line.

My guess would be that it’s a crown gall.

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I also think it’s Crown Gall, most likely if your other trees don’t have the same symptoms, this one probably came with infected soil on its roots. Did you buy the others from same merchant?
It’s worth verifying that the others are healthy, the merchant should replace for free if you show the pictures. Otherwise consider removal from your property with as much surrounding soil as you can before infection spreads to others.
Kent, wa

They all came shipped from the same merchant, bare root. This is one of three peaches I got and planted in pots. The other two dont show any signs of this or at least they don’t have any tumors.
So this tree is a total loss? There’s nothing that can be done to save it? If so what a HUGE bummer! It has been the most vigorous growing of the three and its branches are covered in swelling flower buds :pensive: The other two only gave me one flower bud each.
I’ve pinched off the rootstock growth and then touched the other trees… I sure hope I havent ruined it all. :frowning_face:

If your merchant is unwilling to replace it, I would do one of two options:

  1. Torch the tumor and attempt to burn it off to kill the bacteria therein. Google how to remedy, or
  2. Remove the tree and contaminated soil from your property asap.
    If you replace it use a different location away from this hole
    Kent, wa

If the tree is in a pot remove it and look at the roots there should be galls growing attached to the roots like these shown on this thread.

To answer the other question. I have 8 peach trees and have never had any new growth at the soil line or rootstock

Thanks everyone for the answers and tips. Follow up question: If I take cuttings from this tree at the top/crown and propagate them are those too infected with gall? Is the virus/bacteria existing all throughout the cambium layer?