Just a heads up - I found one peach tree borer larvae in a wound today on a tree and saw one flying around my trees. I had a bad infestation last year, I will be spraying my trees tomorrow. I am in the central Virginia area, Piedmont region. I have been weed eating my trees over the past week and I have seen no other damage so far.
Thanks for the reminder!
Don’t forget to also spray your nectarines and plums. Borers
attack them too.
Found a borer hole with frass and finally got out to deal with it. Only tunnel went straight down (?) i dug and poked around all the tunnel walls and down to the base of it -about 2.25 inches. Never dug out a bug but end of the wire got shiny any gunky tho. What are the odds that i got it?
Never thought a tunnel would go downwards
Sounds like you got it … the tunnels usually go down in the winter, it is warmer down there.
I put out the Peach tree borer lures a couple of days ago. It seems something was quite attracted to them. I probably should have gotten them out a couple of weeks ago.
Are those wasps? I lose massive crop to wasp and hornets every year. Whats the name of that trap. Looks pretty effective. Catching borers is a secondary bonus.
Looks like most of them are wasps to me as well.
@Robert and @sockworth They kind of look like wasps to me too. I confess I cannot really tell you what a dead peach tree borer looks like.
The term “wasp waist” comes to mind. Wasps have a narrow waist (incidentally also called petiole) between their thorax and abdomen. Wasps also have pronounced mandibles.
The peachtree borer is type of moth so they should have some moth-like characteristics.
I had a similar thing happen. I looked more carefully and they were not wasps, they were some other kind of borer… dogwood borer perhaps? Maybe look that one up and compare.
sorry. I had forgotten to tell you about the trap. It is this one: Peach Tree Borer Moth Trap & Lure