I am looking after a garden in Andalusia, Spain. The garden is mainly olives, almonds, grapes, persimmons, medlars and carob. There is one peach tree, or something like a peach. The tree is not well, the fruit appear to be dropping from the tree and many have small holes. The tree itself is leaking sap from many places, and new leaves are curled. I suspect it is a fungal disease, but really have no idea. We have had a long period of very dry weather and are now about two weeks into quite frequent heavy rain. The tree appears to have been pruned in parts quite recently.
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Those leaves look like apricot. I’m not sure what is causing the sap flow but someone will help you within a day or so.
My peach would also ooze sap from wounds after heavy rains.
As I understand things, here the mid-Atlantic regions of the USA holes in the fruit are often insect damage, which can cause the fruit to drop. In my case the culprit is usually a weevil known as Plum Curculio. This forum has threads devoted to this beast. I have know idea what insects would be prevalent in Andalusia.
Your tree has gotten serious canker.
Check this link out.
Hello welcome @JonathanU .
I agree the leaves does look like apricot. Leaf curl could be due to aphids (or some other sap sucker) which feed on and distorts new leaves. Once the new leaves are damaged by aphids, it will remain distorted. The other leaves that look fine may be older leaves that grew to maturity before aphids showed up.
I agree with others here. Looks like an apricot tree with canker.
Many thanks for everyone’s input. We’ll see what we can do to sort it out. I’m not very optimistic about finding a solution, but we’ll see what we can do.