Peach tree showing slow leaf growth on a single scaffold

This tree has total of 4 scaffolds, while all others have 2" to 3" leaf growth one scaffold is barely growing its leaves. I checked for girdling or physical damage but everything looks fine. Thoughts why this is happening.

Your asking for ideas, Maybe the branch has a mutation and is now low vigor. Keep an eye on it and in future years see if it produces smaller fruit then the other scafolds. or maybe it will require more or less thinning.

There could be a number of reasons. Winter cold injury is one possibility. My big pecan tree has a huge limb, about 1/3 of the tree that leafs out late. That was caused by a 20F freeze that lasted 36 hours in October about 4 yrs ago. The freeze damaged water conducting tissues that have yet to be fully repaired.

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thats a good point, I had to thin out a parallel branch from the same scaffold due to cold injury.