Peach x Apricot hybrids?

Looks like I might have a peach x apricot hybrid?

The seed parent is the peach and the pollen is the apricot.

I have seven seedlings. All seven seedlings have germinated. Two of the seedlings have already opened their leaves and one them is already showing hybrid traits. The second one looks a standard peach.

Seedling with possible hybrid traits:

Seedling number two: Standard peach.

Your thoughts?


It looks like there’s a lot of serration on the leaf margins of that first one. More than I would expect for mature foliage of either peach or apricot. I have noticed that some seedlings of Rosaceae plants do have unexpectedly deeply serrated foliage when very young, but they can grow out of it. I’ll be interested to know if this deep serration persists as the tree matures.


The asian pear I grew from seed (from the store, no idea what the pollen parent was) and several other asian pear seedlings I’ve seen all had crazy “can opener” looking first sets of “true leaves”…that then turned into the normal large pear leaves at the next node.

I’d be interested to see how this looks in a few months, but I suspect the subsequent leaves will also be serrated on the edges at this point with this many showing the characteristic.

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They’re hard to see, but the weird leaves are the first pair at the bottom.


These are the seedlings that I obtained from this cross and I’m starting to feel disappointed because I dont see any apricot traits in them. I used Indian free peach as the seed parent because it’s a self-sterile variety and by crossing it with a peach I thought I would get hybrids.

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This a true 50/50 peach x apricot hybrid for comparison. It’s from a friend from overseas .

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Does anyone has pictures of their Indian Free peach seedlings? I want to see them for comparison.

Could the Indian Free be a self-fertile seedling?

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I didn’t think so. I bought it from Raintree Nursery.

Some of seedlings have short leaves.

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