Peach x Cherry Interspecific hybrid: is it possible?

My next goal is to create a peach x cherry hybrid. Thus, I’ve been pollinating my Rainier Cherry flowers with Indian Free Peach pollen, and the Indian Free Peach flowers with Rainier Cherry pollen.

My question are:

Do you think that a peach x cherry interspecific hybrid would be possible?

If those seeds produce hybrid seedlings, do you think that they will produce fruit?


Same chromosome number so thoeritically it might be possible. May need chromosome doubling still

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It might, looking at how well they graft or don’t graft may be a clue.

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A baseball size fruit that taste like a cherry. We don’t grow sweet cherries very well here so I would have to use the sour pie type. Good luck, Bill


I was thinking a cherry sized fruit with fuzz. :rolling_eyes:

To me these are just loaded with flavor, I love tart cherries more than sweets. Not for fresh eating but for cooking.I just like berry like fruit, just about anything sweet, sour doesn’t matter. Cherries, any cherries are the best. I can grow sweets here, but the trees don’t live long before they develop problems.


My thinking is that many of these hybrids that we talk about making are much more difficult than just dabbing on a little pollen. If it were easy won’t it have been done much more much earlier? We talk a lot here but what we really need is a report by some group like Zaiger outlining how this works.


About 3 years ago I saw a news story about the interspecifics. They showed them pollinating the flowers, and I believe they stated they had one take every 10 thousand tries.


I still will try, although my main interest is in developing fruit that works here, or somehow meets my needs. I took fruit I like with a far spread of ripening times, and my goal is to get one to ripen inbetween the two parents to extend my season, and give similar fruit as to what I like.

Every pluot has to be a cross, so I feel growing out seeds could give us something decent. So far I have thrown out my seeds, but I may grow some of the pluots, if I get any this year.

On average it takes between 15-20 years to get to where a fruit can be introduced. Archer Strawberry was just released this year from Rutgers. It was chosen in 2001.With all the power and resources of a University it still took over 15 years. So I have no desire to develop commercial fruit myself. In 15 years I’ll be 75 or dead.
I have certain goals with blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. So for fun I will be crossing them. Mostly for a learning experience. So far the birds have been doing a better job. I got a trailing thornless blackberry from the birds. The birds were so nice they pooped into one of my root pouches and it grew! So far the birds have produced over 20 hybrid blackberries and raspberries in my yard. WAY ahead of me!


For me it is a fun project that I realize that I’m not likely to create the next wonder fruit but knowing it is possible is interesting. The accumulation effect of several armatures like myself might have a good chance of succeeding. Trying to market it is another matter. I think that I would name it and freely pass it out to anyone that was interested.


If the hybrids are possible, but all of them are sterile, they can be used as rootstocks for cherries.

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I’m curious, I’m not that familiar with Raspberry and Black Berry plants, so how do you know that the seedlings are Blackberry x Raspberry hybrids.

Sour Cherry’s would be more difficult they have double (32) of cherries(16) and Peaches (16)


Ditto! [quote=“itheweatherman, post:11, topic:10114”]
so how do you know that the seedlings are Blackberry x Raspberry hybrids.

I’m not crossing them, that would require a lot of work. I’m crossing raspberries with raspberries, and blackberries with blackberries. Looking for a blackberry that has the western flavor and the eastern hardiness. What I want to do. On raspberries I’m trying to develop unique colors. Increase size and production with excellent taste.

Yes, you would have to double the chromosome pairs in peaches, which can be done.


the patent on the nadia said they bagged the limb after pollination to prevent further pollination. Plants have ways to reject pollen even when there close family. Even after all of that they got 200 seeds and only 5 grew into plants. So imo hell yea go for it.

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Here’s a couple of Rainier Cherry flowers that I hand pollinated with Indian Free peach pollen.

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This kind of thing could be happening at my orchard because all my fruit trees bloom at the same time or do not bloom at all. All my cherries plums and peaches bloom at the same time within a week or two. They are all young so maybe my weather has changed thier normal bloom times?

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I doubt that any of these hybrid attempts will take, cherries and peachs are from different prunus sub-genus, Cerasus and Amygdalus (I had to look them up as I had no clue.) Plums and apricots are from the same sub-genus, so they more readily hybridized.
Best of luck, you may come up with the next super fruit and I’ll be reading about you in Forbes.

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“Best of luck, you may come up with the next super fruit and I’ll be reading about you in Forbes.”

It would be awesome!

@Drew51 I’m trying my hand at crossing blackberries too. I’m wanting a white fruiting thornless blackberry.

Ulises good luck with your hybridizing attempts but I agree with lordkiwi you should bag your crosses or you may wait 5 years growing a seedling only to find out that a bee pollinated it with pollen from another cherry.

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If it’s successful that is a very good one for Pacific Northwest as well. Indian Free Peach is one of very rare peach with high success here after Frost peach because of peach leaf curl resistance. Good luck man.

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