Are you adjusting the pH of the spray water to be acidic when you spray Captan? Half the Captan is destroyed if the water is basic in less than 15 minutes. Also you need to spray at 10-14 day interval to keep active fungicide on the trees and fruit. If there are heavy rains you may need to spray weekly during that period.
If the pH of the Captan spray water is acidic then I would suggest mixing Captan with the Infuse for each spray and see if that helps as well as shortening your spray interval. Also are you buying the Captan by it’s self or is it part of the Fruit Tree Spray you have pictured? I remember someone mentioned that the Fruit Tree Spray doesn’t include Captan at the highest rate.
Look at this thread there lots of good info on preventing brown rot. Olpea has some posts in it and he grows peaches for a living.