Pear Harvest Starting 2021

Pears are starting to ripen here in Sebastopol, CA big time! (about an hour north of San Francisco - 10 miles from the Pacific - coastal cool zone). It seems like a week or so earlier than usual. In July I had a few fruit on young grafts of Klementinka, Esparne, and Harrow Delight. Today I picked Butirra Rosata Morettini, California, Stuttgarter Geishirtle, Souvenir du Congres, Aurora and Devoe. Moonglow is ready but I didn’t get around to it. The Aurora and Devoe need to go in the refrigerator for at least a week or two before I ripen them. The BRM, California and Souvenir will probably ripen well without refrigeration. The Stuttgarter is ready off the tree - a delightful, crunchy morsel. The California turns a pretty red when it is ready to eat.!



Those are beautiful David! Congratulations on the early harvest.

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Beautiful pears! Thanks for sharing!

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