Pear orchards 2023

@clarkinks, Here’s a few I’m proud of…

Dasui Li on Bet- Caliper is small (1/2 inch just above graft) but leaves are huge (4 inches long). New growth of the tender branches may be more than 6 inches now.

20th Century Pear on OHxF333 - Almost died several times. This is the only surviving (out of 4) OHxF333 I have had. Complete dieback after 1st season. One branch regrew from a bud but the branch got removed by heavy wind. A second bud formed (above graft union AFAIK) and grew out and became the larger branch in the right in the picture. I left one sucker to grow out as insurance, which is shown on the left.

Below is same 20th Century Pear - but picture taken from behind so the 20th Century Pear is growing from left. Most of the rootstock trunk is dead, I just haven’t peeled off the remaining dead bark. Probably only 30% of the trunk is alive, but it’s still kicking!