Pear orchards 2023

Beautiful day to walk through the pear orchard.


Wow looks amazing



Nothing more beautiful than pears in bloom!


Amalanchier aka rock pears kind of fits in the same category right?

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Have never grown Amelanchier rotundifolia. They likely are nice looking! Thank you for the kind words about the orchard.

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Beautiful. If those pictures are taken today, it seems I’m about 2-3 weeks ahead, despite similar average growing degree days accumulation curve. Must the the la Nina effect. Some of my new pear shoots are already half foot long.



The pictures are taken today. We have had unusual weather this year. The weather is hot but the blooms are holding back. There is very little moisture. The big spring rains have not came yet. These are the first pear blooms. The later blooms are a ways from opening. That is very nice of you to say. Thanks


@clarkinks, Here’s a few I’m proud of…

Dasui Li on Bet- Caliper is small (1/2 inch just above graft) but leaves are huge (4 inches long). New growth of the tender branches may be more than 6 inches now.

20th Century Pear on OHxF333 - Almost died several times. This is the only surviving (out of 4) OHxF333 I have had. Complete dieback after 1st season. One branch regrew from a bud but the branch got removed by heavy wind. A second bud formed (above graft union AFAIK) and grew out and became the larger branch in the right in the picture. I left one sucker to grow out as insurance, which is shown on the left.

Below is same 20th Century Pear - but picture taken from behind so the 20th Century Pear is growing from left. Most of the rootstock trunk is dead, I just haven’t peeled off the remaining dead bark. Probably only 30% of the trunk is alive, but it’s still kicking!



They look like they are ready to leap! Very healthy looking foliage. I’m looking at those green tips which are this years growth as well. They like it there. Unhappy pears never have new growth.


“Nothing more beautiful than pears in bloom”
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :grin:

My vote goes to peaches/nectarines for most beautiful blooms.

You’ll have pears coming out your ears this year. I’m envious.



The pink stone fruit blooms do look nice! Plum blossoms smell the best. Pear petals falling in the orchard today , looks just like confetti when walking through the orchard.

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For white flowers, I find dogwood the most impressive display in spring. For pink, crabs are magnificent.

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Your pears are at petal fall. Mine are at bud burst!!, probably 10-14 days behind you as usual.

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I sprayed mine with Kocide and dormant oil today. They are still dormant, but at 83 degrees everything is on fast-forward this week. They were still snowed in a few days ago!

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Nice looking pear trees and blossoms.

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Only the early ones are at petal fall. Many have not bloomed yet.


This year is moving quickly. The hot weather came out of nowhere. Glad to hear you got your sprays on.


Thank you i appreciate it!

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Only my very last blooming pears still have petals. My pear trees looked more fully in bloom like @clarkinks about a week ago. (6b in VA)

My many of my apples are blooming now. So I suppose I’m ~week behind @sockworth and week before @clarkinks? This is helpful to me so I know what I’m looking out for!


@benthegirl My apples are also in bloom, but towards end of it. We, in VA are definitely ahead of KS this year in terms of tree wakeup and bloom. It might be possible it’s only due to La Nina weather pattern. It was an unusually warm (and mostly snowless) winter in VA this year. Based on growing degree days accululation, VA and KS are similar, so I would actually expect similar wake up times for trees in most years between VA and KS. Especially where you are in VA, your lattitude is similar to @clarkinks.

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I’d like to share the Dasui Li pear leaf again. I’ve never seen a pear leaf this big, it’s almost as big as a persimmon’s.


Petal fall on the first batch is mostly done and the second batch is opening. It is April 15th that is perfect timing! The bottom picture is my small yellow pear. The blooms are just opening now on it overlapping with orcas and harrow sweet. Harrow delight is blooming now and started a day or two ago. Ayers is just finishing blooming and is mostly in petal fall stage. Absolutely beautiful in the orchard this time of year.