Perplexing Yellow Pear Leaves

See below. This seemingly happened within a few days and my research has not revealed an answer. Anyone know what may be causing this and how to fix it? This is a Parker Pear that has been doing well.

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Like you ive seen many yellowing leaves this year without an explanation. Typically its an indicator of water issues but thats not likely the case in this situation.

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I’m more concerned with the combination of yellowing, but with still some green, and the spots. Some other leaves have leaf spot, perhaps that is what the spots are and it’s just a yellowing leaf and I’m blowing it out of proportion?

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There are weird things going on at my farm this year as well. High amounts of fireblight, large numbers of insects, large amounts of yellowing leaves. Disease and insects are at their highest numbers here in years. In addition to that the weather is swinging wildly from 100 degrees + into the 70s and from drowning to dry very quickly. The conditions we are facing are extremely challenging for growing anything.