Persian Walnuts

Thought we might be able to talk about cultivars of Persian walnut. Your favorites for flavor, disease resistance, crops, and your location / places where they are grown.

Being in zone 5b in the Mid-west IL. we need to grow late vegetators here. Here are a few:

The hugest nut I know of/have seen/eaten. Flavor is very good. Better flavor than ‘Broadview’ but possibly not as good flavor as ‘Hansen’…

Juglans regia ‘Fately-5’ / ‘Fately #5

Juglans regia ‘Fately-5’ / ‘Fately #5

Juglans regia ‘Broadview’
1/3 of this tree broke off this year.

Juglans regia ‘Broadview’ / ‘Hansen’ / ‘Fately 5’

Juglans regia ‘N-1’ - a seedling selection of the late Clifford Dabbs of Utah. Not in commerce. This selection vegetates about 2-weeks later than all the Persian walnuts ‘I know of’. Finding a pollinator would be great if someone on here has a suggestion. Due to its’ late bloom cycle, it’s not producing very good crops among the six or so cultivars within very close proximity to it.

Juglans regia ‘N-1’ / ‘Dabbs N-1’

‘N-1’ is closer to the the size of ‘Broadview’ nuts, but still a good 1/3 not as large.

These trees are all between 30-35 years old. ‘Hansen’ does not have good disease resistance here getting bacterial blights on the nuts and foliage rendering many nuts not edible. ‘Broadview’ and ‘Fately 5’ do very well here, however, ‘Fately 5’ is one of the earliest to vegetate for us. It would be more preferable did it bloom later, yet still crops are very good, yearly.




You have a gold mine. I was just reading about the health benefits of eating five walnuts per day.

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I have 3 trees but they are all chance seedlings. All of them are 70 or more feet tall so I have a good supply of nuts every year. Unfortunately I had to cut half of one down about a month ago because it was getting way too close to power lines and the power company didn’t like it.
@Barkslip I was just wondering when do your walnuts ripen as compared to pecans? I know pecans probably need way more heat but are they that much later?

@Paul a couple weeks.

Where can I purchase a Fately 5?

That’s something I can cut the scionwood and you can graft it yourself or have someone graft it for you. I don’t believe I’m going to mess with walnuts myself.



Could I purchase some Broadview and Fately-5 scionwood from you? Trades preferred?

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