Sorry if this question has been asked/answered before. I searched through previous posts but couldn’t a picture that was similar. Almost all my persimmon seedlings have leaf spots like shown. All summer with very little to no new growth. I’m trying to plan what to do next year. Is this Anthracnose? Any suggestions? I’m thinking to spray the entire area with Daconil and folair spray the seedlings with Daconil every two weeks. Any suggestions on a better plan? The seedlings in my yard in NE Ohio don’t have any spots.
I don’t know what it is, but my persimmons have it and don’t seem too bothered by it. It’s almost certainly not why your seedlings are so small. That’s about how big mine were after the first year. I had them in a spot with too much shade, and not much special care other than weeding and watering. It looks like you might have a similar situation? I bet if you dug one up, you’ll find the tap root is much longer than you might think. Persimmons put a lot of effort into root growth when they are small.
Thanks. I will try daconil and neem oil next year and see if they pull out of it
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. In my experience, this spotting is cosmetic only on persimmons.