Persimmon root suckers

These are sometimes grafted below grade. Right at the root top and underground

Your tree looks pretty much like an Asian tee ( the leaves ) It must be a sign of Graft on the trunk but I did not see it. If you dig gently around the trunk you may find the Graft and it means that you planted it too deeplyā€¦ Re, this crap about ā€˜rootingā€™ā€™ persimmon cuttings or Suckersā€™ā€™ just donā€™t waste your time! The only thing you can do is to dig a small Sucker (1-year-old) and transplant it to the pot. If you are lucky it will take and then you will be able to do anything you want with it! But most of the times the Suckers do not have any roots as they suck their ''strength from the Motherā€™s root and do not produce their own ( almost )With this ā€˜ā€˜air rootingā€™ā€™ also do not waste your time as it is just a waste of time really! The best thing with Persimmon is to plant a seed and then plant it and then graft it ! Trust me it will be much faster, and reliably ! Good luck!

Thank you for answering. Iā€™ve got suckers that are 2 years old now and 6ft. Do you think these would have grown root hairs or are they strictly mother fed? What do you think about grafting onto a sucker attached to the mother? Anyway thanks.

If it was me, I would cut the suckers off of the main rootstock and graft them this spring.

Sorry I so lateā€¦ The answer isā€¦if the sucker is far away from the mother tree just graft it and let it grow and you enjoy the fruit! If it too close to the tree, donā€™t wait too long - dig it out when dormant, transplant to the pot and if lucky you will have another rootstock for the next graft in your backyard! As you already know the roots look like a black stickā€¦no problem, they still can syrvive and root in the pot next year ,Just water well. If you live the Sucker growing too close to the tree it will not make any good ā€¦it will be always in your way, the branches start intervene with the main tree etc.So, it is all up to you! Good luck! I personally dig all Suckers this year ( even big ones as I am sometimes late) and transplant them on the sides of my property next to the fence to keep my garden walkable and enjoyable without walking and hitting my heating on the fruitsā€¦

The roots will have some root hairs, but it is mostly a huge lateral root. They do transplant relatively well in my experience. Here is what you do. In the spring, dig a wide 2 feet diameter hole minimum (with the sucker as the center-point). If you can dig wider all the better. Get as much of the lateral root as you can. Iā€™ve dug up to 5 foot long lateral roots and transplanted together on 2 inch 10 foot tall suckers. The suckers do fine. Cut to half height at minimum after transplanting.