Persimmon Tree Help

Hello, I live in Los Angeles, and the weather is fairly temperate but has been starting to dip recently at night. My persimmon tree got some heat damage from the extreme weather this summer but it has been doing ok and bearing fruit. However, many of the branches are very brittle and the leaves are starting to wilt/die in many areas. Is this just normal winter growth/due for pruning or am I over/underwatering or is the plant diseased? Thank you!

I would guess your tree is thirsty but I’m not an expert. I’m sure someone will jump in with an answer.

Welcome to the forum!

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[Billiam2241] You did not say if American or Asian hybrid. All the persimmons that I have seen have shiny green leaves up until frost, here in Missouri. I agree with disc4tw, I think the tree was short on water a time or two.

Hi Billiam,
Young trees like this are more prone to drought symptoms than more mature ones. It looks like you have it mulched with gravel, which may not be as effective holding moisture near the surface where the feeder roots are wanting a moist environment, so more frequent watering especially while bearing a fruit load is in order. Shedding leaves is one way the tree can reduce stress since the leaves transpire losing water. Unless the moisture level in the feeder roots zone can meet demand, defoliation is the tree’s only way of trying to survive. Eventually there will be dieback of limbs if not watered!
Hope you didn’t wait too late, but do no over water! Just do more frequently. Perhaps find some better way to mulch it at the drip line
Kent, wa