Persimmon tree selection zone for landscaping & fruit

Hi everyone. I am a slowly landscaping my small yard & want a persimmon tree for fall foliage. My husband who is in failing health is retiring soon & he had tasted a hachiya several years back & has wanted his own tree ever since, so when he is home full time he can enjoy it. Because I am a new user I can’t post pictures but the site it would go is adjacent to a built in jacuzzi in ground & I was hoping the tree would drape down or over so I could enjoy the fall foliage from inside our house where there is an overhang. So I cant have one with super invasive roots and it can’t be so tall & upright that the leaves are above the overhang (the yard steps up) because then we won’t be able to see the tree from inside which is going to be beautiful draping over the jacuzzi area in the fall. There is so much information on the taste of the fruits but little on those of us who care as much about the landscaping beauty of these trees. I am leaning toward the Semi Dwarf hachiya, Semi Dwarf Saijo, The Giamo or Nikitas gift.
Any other information you can give me would be great. Thank you so much. I’m sorry I can;t post pictures.


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Welcome to the forum! What climate and general region do you live in? Some persimmons are hardier than others.


I am in San Clemente CA. zone 12 ? I live about 1 mile from the coast so it doesn’t get hot like most of CA and sometimes the sun doesn’t come out till around 2 in the summer due to fog rolling off the ocean. Average temp in winter around 60 in the day and never below 40 at night. In summer it gets around 85 max during the day and maybe 70 at night.

Good place to get details on many nice varieties of persimmons. Good luck.

Under fruit trees… persimmons.

I am trying a wide variety of american, hybrids and one asian here in TN. Grafted several this spring… and i have some good wild americans too.

I probably should have taken the picture from the other direction since I’m facing the sunset, and this doesn’t fully capture the vibrant yellow.

H118, Prairie Star American persimmon. It’s still ripening fruit, but the leaves are starting to fall.


Thank you for sharing that. My goodness it is just breathtakingly beautiful.

Edit: Oi, I posted in the wrong thread, sorry

If you’re in zone 12 you need an Asian low-chill persimmon. Also they cannot tolerate salt spray. Your best best would be to contact local nurseries in CA and talk to them. Maybe Hachiya or Chocolate persimmon?

I’m not sure that any of the nurseries here in the Eastern US can ship any plant materials into CA. l suspect that you’ll need to source any persimmons you’re going to plant from CA nurseries.

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