I have “JT-02” fruiting on my barely two feet tall tree. I think it is the real JT-02 but want to see what other people’s JT-02 look like.
Mine look more like Asian persimmons. They are large compared to American persimmons.
I have “JT-02” fruiting on my barely two feet tall tree. I think it is the real JT-02 but want to see what other people’s JT-02 look like.
Mine look more like Asian persimmons. They are large compared to American persimmons.
My Kasandra is starting to develop color, as are the Nikita’s gift and a sole JT-02!
Looking forward to trying them side by side.
I noticed that too. I thought that was because my tree was young. But it is prolific!, Much more so than Nikita’s gift was at the same age.
Tippy… How old is your tree and what was your source? Can you please take a picture?
They look like they need one more week until they’re ready to harvest. I’ll post pictures then.
I think I grafted in 2020 on a native rootstock.
I got it from a friend. Here are the pics. It is a size of a medium store bought Asian persimmon.
Very nice looking fruit and definitely a JT-02 leaf. Way too bad that majority of my inground JT-02 died from the -31F Polar vortex 2 years ago. Now I have to start all over again last year.
Here’s some nice looking fruit for wild. I spotted this tree from Interstate 71 I had to go investigate.
A few wilds from here on my place. These are in the edge of the woods just off my side yard. Two tall spindly trees both bearing fruit. They get very little direct sun there… but are bearing and ripening fruit.
I may whack them off 4-6 ft tall and bark graft next spring.
Do they not taste good? Those look like nice, firm, clean fruit. If they taste good, you might just wack the tree at 4 feet and let it regrow in a better shape.
@murky … have not tasted those yet… but will eat them in a few days… and see how they are.
Never thought about just whacking them off and let them regrow on their own. Options are good.
I do not mean to highjack this thread,
Seriously?!?!? How could you resist eating at least one???
@jrd51 … i have two big bowls full of (my sisters persimmons) setting on the bar right next to those. They are a little more ripe than the new ones… going to let the new ones have a little counter time to make sure all astringency is gone.
My SIL and I ate a big pile of my sisters persimmons this evening… very very good.
In another day or two i will compare to the new ones.
This was sold to me as a Fuyu. It is super productive and easy to take care of here. The only thing I do with it is an annual pruning and mulch with wood chips. I don’t water it or anything.
The thing is that I have two trees that were sold to me as Fuyu, but they have about a 3 week difference in their flowering time leading me to think that I might have two similar varieties.
I also have 4 (large) wild native persimmon trees on my property that I browse occasionally.