Pest id

Noticed pretty much all my stone fruit have 1.dropped and 2. Have ooze coming out of little holes. Cut open a peach and plum to find worms. Little white ones. What are they and how do I control them next year. All that work of keeping my blooms from freezing was a total waste. This is very disappointing :frowning:

I only sprayed dormant oil and copper. Last year i had what someone here identified as twig borers but no sign of that yet. Between late freezes, bugs, squirrels and the birds Iā€™m starting to feel the stress isnā€™t worth it. Thankfully there is a large commercial peach orchard only 45 minutes away from me.

plum curculio

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Peaches have several pest, plum curculio, oriental fruit moth, coddling moth, stink bugs, etc. Dormant oil and copper are not for these pests.

For these pests, you needs to spray at shuck split and every 10-14 days after that depending on how much pest pressure you have. PC has about two generations. Oriental fruit moth can have up to 4-5 generation in one growing season.

You can try more organic method by using Surround as protectant among other things. Just check a search function on Low Impact Spray on this forum.

At times, I donā€™t think peaches are worth it, but only at times :grin:.

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Thanks for the info. You know the ironic thing in all this is I grow many different citrus and short of a little spider mite pressure I donā€™t have spray them for anything. Overwintering them here is far easier than keeping up with all that is required of the fruits that actually are supposed to grow here.

I donā€™t have a picture of the pest, since Iā€™ve never seen it, but it eats small, shallow holes into new fruits, preferably pears. Not much more than skin-deep, between 1/8 - 1/4" in diameter.

For my pears, they are caterpillars. Caught them in action a few times. They eat pear flesh but do not bore holes like OFM or PC.

Reading your post and sensing your frustration really hit home with me. I remember so well doing exactly what you did- working extremely hard to protect blooms only to have those little worms ruin every single last peach on my first 2 peach trees. I just want to encourage you not to give up. As a beginner with 1% of the knowledge many people have, Iā€™ve still been able to overcome the challenges and it looks like I may have a good harvest of peaches this year (not to count chickens before they hatch). So hang in there. You can start next year using the sprays recommended by people on here (often its triazicide, which you can buy at Lowes and walmart). Youā€™ll figure it out and when you do, youā€™ll realize that it honestly isnā€™t that big a deal - especially with just a few trees- to just walk and put some spray on every couple weeks or so. Trust me, there is nothing like the satisfaction you will get when you realized that you have ā€œdefeatedā€ your main challengers/pests and grown your own incredible fruit. Donā€™t give up!!!

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Makes sense, but Iā€™ve never spotted them. Itā€™s the season for the leafrollers - I suppose they might be the same pests.

The only real problem is the pears will cover the wound with stone cells.

I include leave rollers in the caterpillar category.

Oh yes. Those are the caterpillars I find in the trees at this time of the season. Theyā€™re likely suspects.

Thanks for that cityman. I know it will get easier as I figure out just what and when I need to do things. Funny thing is I have Triazicide. I got it to spray for the twig borers but they havenā€™t shown up. I wasnt thinking about plum curculio because Iā€™ve never had fruit for them to eat.
If I can say one good thing about this itā€™s that now I donā€™t have to mess with or worry about protecting from birds and squirrels. Although there might be a hand full of plums out there that could still make it. Also my citrus are having a bumper crop this year. We donā€™t have any pest pressure here for them so thatā€™s is good.

Trust me, few people have made more mistakes than me, and even fewer have had problems as bad as mine that were beyond their control (my neighbor let his weed killer drift onto my orchard and killed almost 20 trees, damaged more, and caused total loss of fruit for the year). But please trust and believe me when I say that in spite of (and perhaps in part because of) how challenging it can be, fruit growing can be the most rewarding, fun, and exciting hobbies youā€™ve ever had. Some may scoff at the use of the word ā€œexcitingā€ for something that takes 4 years or so to happen, but those people have never looked in a tree and seen their first ripe cherry that eveyone told them would never be possible! Or seen the look on a childā€™s (or family or friendā€™s) face when you give them a real, orchard ripened piece of fruit and wait for their reaction when they taste it! Or most of all, excitement is when you yourself pick that first piece of fruit youā€™ve waited 4 years for and watched all season long, then you taste it and its one of the few things in life that actually DOES live up to the high expectations youā€™ve had.
Anyway, these are just a few of the reasons I wanted to encourage you to hang in there- it IS worth it. And btw, you really have discovered part of the bright side of loosing your fruit - not having to continue to fight animals and insects. Another advantage is that your trees can put a lot more of their energy resources into the tree itself so it will be considerably bigger and stronger next year.

Good luck, Mike!

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