Photos of chestnut crabapple tree?

Anyone have photos of their chestnut crab tree? All I can seem to find is photos of the fruit, and I would like to see what the tree looks like. I’m thinking of planting one, but I’d like a tree that is ornamental as well as fruit bearing due to its location. Also, how big are your trees? Is it too late to plant a bare root tree and expect it to survive and do well?

I have a young chestnut crab on antonovka (maybe 4 or 5 feet) that I could snap a pic of, if that would help. Looks like an apple tree :slight_smile: Despite some reports of it being vigorous (T3), it hasn’t yet been as vigorous for me as an ashmead’s kernel (T2) on antonovka planted right next to it at the same time.

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My young chestnut crab is on siberian crab rootstock. After 5 years, planted as a bench graft, it is about 6 feet tall and should bloom in a few weeks. It is the same size as the sweet 16 and the september ruby planted at the same time.

I will add that because it has not fruited I am assuming that no mix up with scions occurred where I bought them, or from me when I grafted. This is the tree I am most looking forward to tasting this fall.


This is my Chestnut Crab from Wallace Woodstock nursery on M7 I planted in 2014. It’s somewhere between 15 and 20 feet tall now.


Thank you so much for the replies. It’s helpful to hear from some folks actually growing it. And thanks for the photo!

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Its a real favorite for us here. I have two on antonovka ad one on a volunteer seedling, and it develops a nice spreading form and is around 12’ at 9 yrs old. Seems inclined to make wide crotch angles. It grew vigorously until it started to bear, that slowed it down. They bear annually without any thinning. I did start a topic on it awhile back that has some pics.


Wow! Surprised it got to that size on M7