Pick or not to pick is the question

Okay,thanks.So,should they release without much resistance? Thanks,Brady

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When you lift up the stem should snap.


As Matt points out seed color is a good indicator of ripeness, but I’ve found for many varieties I grow, if one waits a little bit after the seeds turn brown to pick the fruit the apples seem to be considerably sweeter and the texture doesn’t seem to suffer.


Depends on do you want to eat the apples right away or sell them for eating right away, or to store them

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Hi Brady,
My climate is simiilar to yours. My chojuro is for some reason not as early as everything else. I had some that were not as flavorful. I would only pick one if it comes off easily, then wait if it’s not flavorful enough.
John S

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Thanks John,I will try to pick one soon. Brady

I tried a couple of the Asian Pears today.They did come off the tree fairly easily when pulled upward.
They weren’t very crisp,like I expected,but sweet and good tasting.
Maybe the size will increase in coming years. Brady


It looks like it would be ripe. The nice thing about having several pears is that you can pick and test a few over a period of time.

Yes,I received a bunch of cutting varieties that were grafted to this tree in the Spring,including Korean Giant,which I’ve read so many good reports about. Brady

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I have been eating my Chojuros. They taste much better now. I can get the rum/butterscotch flavor. 3 weeks ago I tried one, but it had very little flavor. I think that maybe a squirrel had knocked it off.
John S