Picture of a few jujubees

we actually got budwood from @Bhawkins, and the fruits ranged from slightly pear-shaped to big and somewhat pointy, like the green one you posted. Our winter d grafts are still young, so thinking the shapes may have been deformed or part-duds due to recent grafting/not too established. Fruits were pretty good, but now curious if there may have been a switch-a-roo over at OGW’s, just like shanxi li’s identity crisis.

speaking of onegreenworld and switcharoo’s, the massandra we obtained from ogw a year ago started bearing this year, and the fruits are hardly the shape and definitely not the size of what ogw posted at their website. I will post a pic pretty soon, and really curious if anyone here has successfully gotten massandra to bear fruits? Show me yours and i will show you mine…haha

they say that chains are only as strong as their weakest links. With juju cultivar ID, we are only as accurate as what the nursery wrote on the ‘birth certificate’ of the babies they ship.


I clicked on your pictures and I see they’re labeled, thanks

Both my Autumn Beauty and Winter Delight are superb Both are early. Winter Delight has been a very heavy producer for me, while Autumn Beauty has been sparse; based on 1 tree each.

I have a second Autumn Beauty grafted from the first; it’s planted 1 foot from a Chico, I wanted to see if close pollination would help fruit set. It has a dozen fruit developing now in its second year, I’ll study closely.

As I’ve only had a few Autumn beauty I haven’t Done a side by side comparison yet but at first glance I thought they were different.

Maybe I’ll email some pics to One Green World, see if they can help


I have Massandra and it’s been fruiting for a few years. I’ll look to see if I have some old photos. I’ve asked Shengrui Yao, the Chinese jujube expert at New Mexico State, if she knows what Winter Delight should look like. In the meantime I’ve only found one webpage that discusses WD and the photos look like mine -


Massandra jujubes -


Another question for Yao would be, is Winter Delight Tao Tau? Or Mango Dong Zho? Or something else?

Glad you know Yao.

I have a WD from Rolling River too i planted this spring, but no fruit yet.


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Thanks @castanea, and yes, your massandra looks more like that of the picture OGW posted, Really glad that we did not include massandra on our publication, and also included a disclaimer about possible identity issues. Also glad that the cultivars we declared as favorites are those which we could identify with certainty. Here’s our ~1 yr old “massandra” from OGW with its radically different fruit shape and size.

[quote=“Bhawkins, post:22, topic:12010”]
I’ll email some pics to One Green World, see if they can help

i hope they’d be able to shed some light about this. Stoking intrigue is that for some strange reason, OGW has ceased selling winter d and autumn b for several years, even though that nursery registered trademarks on those two cultivars(along with coco and black sea). Extremely odd that they’ve stopped selling what they have trademarked.

additionally, the pic of winter d posted by rollingriver which @tonyOmahaz5 brought up earlier sure adds to the confusion!


Rolling River has usually just posted generic jujube photos. The photos don’t seem to match up to any of the actual trees. I’m really curious about your Massandra. I just wonder what it really is.

yeah, really odd that one. I was thinking it might be blac sea, since it was what i ordered it with, but the fruits are a bit too bell-shaped, considering the relatively small size.

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Black Sea jujubes below. These are the largest I have ever seen. They’re usually much smaller than this -


relieved to see your blac sea is similar to ours!


Shengrui Yao jujubes, her photo, one of each cultivar -


that ‘teapot’ juju is intriguing

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Tao tau means jujube in Vietnamese. Not a Cultivar.




I wonder what the big ones are?

OK, I’ve emailed OGW.

Fwiw, here are 2 of my Winter Delights on the left & right, 2 Shihong’s, & a not yet ripe Autumn Beauty in the middle. The AB’s from my 10 year old tree have already ripened;the 2 year old tree has yet to ripen.



Is your WD tastes more like Li or Siihong? Any juice in it? I got a few on my 2 grafts but the Japanese beetles destroyed them.


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maybe more like Shihong. Jucier than Li.


Shengrui Yao is not familiar with Winter Delight so cannot help us out.

“Winter Delight” is a name one green world trademarked. I bet she’d recognize the original Chinese name. I’ll see if I can find it…

Btw, no response from OGW yet


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