Which are preferred for flavor and production? Pros and cons of each?
Rhora Nut Tree Nursery can tell you.
Not sure on taste, but the Korean fruits a lot quicker. When I was looking at putting a few in I found most pine nut trees take forever to fruit.
I have been thinking about Swiss stone pine.
My Koreans had a few cones in about year 7 or so. I haven’t harvested any yet. Have to figure out when to do that yet.
I don’t think pinyons will grow here near St. Paul. The Koreans and dwarf Koreans are doing fine.
Just don’t do like me and plant them in a patch of poison ivy. Not good! That group of pines are fending on their own. I occasionally glance at them from a distance to see if they are still alive. Some year I may spread some carpet around them to kill the ivy, but I give it wide berth!