Pineapple Guava pollination question

Hi there, I was looking at hand pollinating / cross pollinating some of my pineapple guavas / Feijoa to try and help fruit set. Does anyone have any idea when the female parts are receptive to pollen. i.e are they ready BEFORE the pollen is released from the male parts on the same flower ( like on custard apples / annona ) or are they ripe at the same time ( so the flower can self pollinate, or do they maybe get receptive a day or 2 after the pollen is released from the male parts ? Thanks.

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A very interesting question, and one i’ve never considered before. I did a quick search and found this… now this is just one source, I plan to do a little more research when I have more time.
If you look at the first paragraph on “timing of visits” on page 150 it says “Insect species, including honey bees, in all orchards were typically observed on older flowers with pollen available and where the stigma was no longer receptive.”
…so I guess they are receptive to pollen before the flower produces it’s own pollen.

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The duration of these flowers is not very long; from fully open to pollen may be 2 days and then to all stamens (and pollen) falling to the ground, perhaps another 2 days. I hand pollinate my lone bush every 3 days during peak bloom season, that should cover it. Check to make sure you are getting adequate pollen on fingers or brush. Tapping backlit flowers will readily reveal flying pollen.


Thanks for the link Mike, very useful,

Thanks Larry I’ll keep on persevering,