Hard to say yet. Freeze damage isn’t always apparent right away and can take several days before I can tell.
It got that low in several towns here in Armstrong County so it wasn’t just the local station being inaccurate either.
Does that mean,feels like 14 degrees,because of the wind?If so,that doesn’t necessarily mean it affects plants,the same way as people.
No, the temp was 14 with no wind. The “Like 14” below it is the wind chill temp.
Hey @StacGrowingInPa don’t be afraid to post updates on your progress here as well as the what’s happening today thread! It will be helpful to have another western PA update!
Full bloom on the peaches and plums! Looks like everything survived the freeze.
Dealing with tiny black weevils on all my new leaves. Going to try tanglefoot to keep them off.
Would surround work for them? I am not familiar with stone fruits and their pests.
Not sure how you would apply Tangle foot against weevils.
Stone fruit pests in the east are plum curculio. Oriental Fruit Moth, stink bugs. Tarnished Plant bugs, etc.
You will need to spray repellant like Surround or kill them using pesticides. Plum curculio is the most serious pest as not every pesticides are effective against them.
Anyone who has pawpaws old enough - are they in bloom here yet?
They are pretty close. My Shenandoah has some flower buds that are just starting to open a bit and show green petals. They bloom over a fairly long time period so there’s a good mix of buds on the tree at different stages, some small still and some swelling up. Allegheny is right behind it and Wabash are all small still. Last year my Shenandoah had flowers come into full bloom on May 6th so we seem to be well ahead of schedule this year thanks to all the warmth and sun we’ve had recently.
This is a little off topic, but if anyone in the area (or farther afield) is still looking to get vaccinated, Mon Valley Hospital is offering Pfizer vaccine to anyone 16 and over.
Here’s the link to make an appointment:
Anyone have any trees logged or cleared? I am thinking about clearing out about a half acre of my property, but having landscaping companies remove big trees is much too expensive. Curious if anyone has any recommendations.
Well it probably won’t help you much, but at work I just use an excavator to push over trees. Much faster than a saw.
Do you have a large amount of high quality timber that you could sell? If you are interested, you should contact Forbes State Forest to have them take a look and go over recommendations for your use case. It would be free for them to come out and take a look and give advise. They may also be able to give you a good contact for your area. My wife works at Forbes, her coworkers are all nice people. You’d probably end up working with Celine, Dave, or Doug.
Vegetable starter plants giveaway
I started way more than I have space for. I can’t mail but they are free for pickup. Some plants already have blossoms.
Keystone Giant red bell
Big Daddy hybrid (yellow Marconi type)
Black Krim
San Marzano
Bushsteak container slicer
Unicorn cherry hybrid
Patio Baby container type
Also brussel sprouts and leeks
I will take you up on some peppers/possibly eggplant Alex! I will message you.
I know it is getting later in the season, but I will have a few spare apple, pawpaw, possibly pear, and some tiny honey jar jujube buds for anyone who is interested. PM me.
Thanks for offer, but I’m ok here
Hope all well.
Your fence is impressive!
Maybe jumping the gun a little on this, but its that time of year when my figs are starting to set fruit so I have figs on my mind. Anyone in the Pittsburgh area possibly interested in swapping fig cuttings over the winter? I have Celeste, Chicago Hardy, Olympian, Violette de Bordeaux, White Mersailles and Brown Turkey. Would be interested in adding any additional varieties people have had success with.
Hey Jason! I have a 1 year Atreano and Black Mission I’m nursing along, and a bunch of Chicago Hardy cuttings I’m working on rooting. I know @urbangardener has some figs he may be able to swap soon too.
Edit: do you have yours in ground or in pots? Just curious if any survive above ground and don’t die back to the roots for you.
I have one Olympian in ground which I buried over the winter. Does perfectly fine with no dieback so far. For our area pots are definetly the way to go though not only for cold damage/die back reasons but also because my potted figs are about 1 month ahead of the in ground one. I also prefer a tree form to the bush form that most in ground ones take on. As an added bonus you can cancel the gym membership during the spring when you lug the pots back and forth for every late frost. That being said, I do know of 2 in ground figs in the city that are ~7ft wide x 7ft tall shrubs and the owners provide minimal winter protection.
I’ll be more than happy to swap or share cuttings and baby plants. I need to update my inventory. My Marseilles Black is setting figs like crazy. All my figs are currently potted but MB is recommended for in ground in our zone.
I also know of a 7 ft fig shrub in the neighborhood that’s doing fine with no protection. Haven’t had a chance to talk to the owner and ask what variety yet.
I have 35 inground fig plants which get pruned back extensively each fall, and would be glad to share the cuttings if anyone wants to come by for them, Irwin area