Planted Carmine Jewel seeds

These were harvested a week ago and have been kept in water at room temp until I planted them today. I tilled the area, planted 2 rows of seeds fairly densely and covered with peat moss, about 1.5 inches packed lightly and watered them in. Did this last year and the seeds came up fine the next spring so this should work.


How are your seedlings from the Carmine Jewel’s?

Not up yet but it’s unusually cold this year. Garlic isn’t even up yet! Or asparagus…

I got a ziplock bag full of carmine jewel seeds from this year’s harvest. Did yours come up? Do you have any current photos? I’m curious if they grow out like the mother plant with lots of cherries.

Yeah they will germinate and grow easily enough. Ive got maybe 10 seedlings that are 3-5ft tall right now and this is the first year they have had much fruit on them. I dont really have enough data to compare them to CJ yet, but I do know that my CJ plants in my yard are ripening significantly quicker than those are right now, but those are in town and my seedlings are in the country.