Planting more plum trees

I am planted 2 more plum trees this year. I have expanded my orchard starting last year into the front yard. My house is at the top of a hill. The front yard slope faces East and the backyard slope faces West.
Wondering if one side of the hill will be better for stone fruit or not.

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Eastern exposure should ease black-knot pressure. The earlier the dew evaporates the better.

Thank you. Does eastern exposure delay bloom at all?

If anything it should make blooms come a little sooner, due to the longer hours of sun, yet it should not make much of a difference on blooming time anyway.

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I think eastern exposure is probably your best bet for any retarding of bloom because it is cooler in the morning. N. exposure would be best, of course. My trees in shade always bloom much later than in full sun and on years where peaches have been frozen out, nursery trees in the shade will have fruit. However, a lot of shade becomes a liability and there are many advantages to full sun exposure.

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Your wind is likely coming from West, as opposed to East. Not sure if that makes a difference. Perhaps more shelter on the East side as well.

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