Planting potted figs and pomegranates

Hi all,

I have some pomegranates in 1 gallon pots that might be a little rootbound and since they’ve been in pots all their lives the roots might be running in circles, etc. I’m going to plant half of these in the ground this year and half into 5-gallon fabric pots. It is the same root situation for a few figs I have (bigger pots) that I was going to put in the ground.

I was thinking that I might plant all of these a bit lower since they root so easily and are on their own roots. That way, if there are any girdling roots or other issues in the existing root mass the trunks will root out and hopefully give a nice fresh start above all that. Andy maybe, like when I plant tomatoes with a lot of stem underground, this will give them a bigger better roots system in the long run.

I wasn’t going to totally bury them, but maybe have them about 3 inches lower than they are in their pots. For the ones going into the ground they’ll be going into mounted areas, so some of the existing roots will still be above the surrounding area.

Does anyone think this might cause problems?

I’ve done that. The other thing I do in that situation is cut off those circling roots sides and bottom. With fruit trees just chop off the circling roots, plant at same depth as potted, and they do well, very well.


Thanks Fruitnut. I’ll probably take it case by case when I see how the roots look during planting. I just wanted to make sure planting them a little deeper would be viable if I don’t like the way the existing roots look.

When you plant the figs, I’d also put some crushed lime in the hole and mix it up
with the dirt. Figs like a lot of lime.


Thanks for the tip. I had read that figs are good between 6.0 and 6.5, but now after your comment and a little Googling I see that maybe more toward alkaline is best. I have a bag of that pellitized lime that I bought for the lawn. Will that be okay?

No it won’t. It has to be crushed lime. Pellitized lime will take up to six months, before it
will have any effect. You want the lime to have an immediate impact on the soil, so that the
tree will get off to a good start. Once it breaks dormancy, and has fully leafed out, start feeding
it a high nitrogen fertilizer and there’s no better than diluted urine. I’d feed each tree a gallon
about every other week.

Okay, looks like another bag to add to all the various soil amendments in the garage, lol. Thanks again.

Join the club, you should see my garage.

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Any specific soil mixes that you guys use for pomegranates? Mine are plugs I bought this spring and are currently living together in a hanging basket under the roof overhang of our house. They currently have a mix of DE, coir, perlite, and peat, but from the recent discussions on root rot from over watering I’m questioning my mix. I’m thinking of adding coarse pine bark and increasing DE/ perlite to improve drainage.

By volume:
1/4 ground peat or triple-ground conifer bark
1/4 cured, dried greenery compost
1/2 all-purpose sand

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Thank you Richard!


Per Google…
If your PH is in the 6.0-6.5 range… you may not need lime. Crushed lime would increase your PH, and add calcium, magnesium.

Lime is not the only option for increasing calcium, magnesium (and other trace minerals)… and adjusting the PH.

Bone Meal for example has a PH of around 14… and it will raise your PH too… The nutrients typically present in bonemeal include the minerals calcium , phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc , as well as traces of other elements.

Gypsum — basically has no affect on your soil PH… but is a good source of calcium, Sulphur and other trace elements… Minor and trace element (Na, Cl, Mg, K, Sr ) abundances in gypsum. So if your PH is Ok… needs no adjusting, adding Gypsum may benefit.

Here is one more that I use…

greenSand is a natural lime substitute. By weathering Olivine, CO2 is sequestering into silicate, bicarbonate and magnesium. It is a chemical reaction between an acid (CO2 = carbonic acid) and the alkaline mineral olivine. The bicarbonates (= lime) counteract the acidification of the soil by increasing the pH level . Greensand fertilizer is a rich source of glauconite, which is high in iron, potassium, and magnesium . These components are all important to good plant health. It also helps loosen soil, improve moisture retention, soften hard water, and increase root growth.

I learned about Gypsum while doing forest farming… Ginseng.
Ginseng thrives in a low PH soil (a PH of 4-5 is ideal), that has High amounts of Calcium.
Gypsum is a good way to increase the Calcium, without raising the PH. It also softens the soil.

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I grew poms in 15 or 20 gallon fabric pots, filled with 1/2 promix BX, 1/4 pine fines and 1/4 composted cow manure. They were still growing well 3 years later when I gave them away. They didn’t seem too demanding and with the fabric pots I never had any root issues that I knew of.

I just gave up on poms in my area because of the fungal rots, etc. Figs are a much better use of my very limited space.


Very good soil drainage is the most important thing especially when they are that small, like half perlite, or half rice husks, or half sand. That sort of thing.

Also a very well draining container is also important, I use grow bags myself.