They are nice too if you don’t want a spreading growth habit (as I’m sure you know Scott).
Yellow Wonder is a clumping strawberry and it doesn’t send out runners…
Thanks for the link to Bring Me a Shrubbery. We are the knights who say ni!
I’ll check out the thread.
i have about 25 spread out all over. grew from seed 3 yrs ago. some white some red. i have yellow wonder. i like browsing them when im walking around the yard. gave my neighbors 2 boys permission to pick them as i dont always have time to harvest them all. i planted Rodluvan strawberry from seed i got from the strawberry store last summer. they are flowering as well. a Swedish bred strawberry cross of woodland strawberry and white alpine. berries are supposed to be bigger than a alpine with superior flavor and heavier june fruiting. should have some to try by july. runners like crazy. i planted 10 late last summer. probably have 70 now.
also have 5 named swedish cultivars of arctic raspberry. they have spread like crazy in 3 years but not many berries and i dont know why.
i put in 2 box huckleberry in my blueberry / lingonberry raised bed. they have set a few flowers already. not hardy to my zone but they grow low and my snowpack should protect them over winter.
I’d be interested to see if they remain evergreen for you. I know they were originally from central PA so well adapted to my area. I always wonder with something specifically zone 6 if pushing in either direction by much will have significant impacts on growth, or possibly it is a fruit set issue etc. Regardless it never hurts to try!
This one is interesting too and a possible fit for you Steve.
And @erics_tiny_orchard this one would be a better fit for you I think, but for the one above you could try to push that 7 to an 8? It’s always a curious thing to read about here when the zone pushing goes in the warm direction instead of cold. Himalayan Huckleberry - now available at One Green World