Please help i.d. these

Was out in the orchard today. It seemss that polination has been pretty good despite the cold and rainy weather over the last 4-5 weeks. I still have a goodly number of blossoms so I will have to put off my first lethat spray to next weekend.

BUT, although I saw no bees in the orchard, I did notice alot of these buzzing around the blossoms that were still around. Can anyone please I.D. these for me.

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They look like small wasps or midges. I believe some midges are attracted to flowers.

Family Dolichopodidae - Longlegged Flies.
Did they audibly buzz, or are you referring to manner of flight?
They are considered beneficial.

Entire body is unlike bee or wasp.
Antennae are unlike midge.



No audible buzz but at times a noticed multiples flying around the flowers.


I don’t know what they are, but your pictures are almost identical to ones I took of my trees a couple of months ago. My blooms were covered. I searched for ID and decided they were most likely some type of midge. Unfortunately I deleted my pics a while back.


Note that midge antennae are combed or feathery.
The insects pictured above have a fly’s head and antennae.

Can someone help this fly? There are many of these on the citrus tree and I’ve never seen them before.


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