Plum damage - Rot or insect?

Hi all,

Is this damage to my plums due to insect or fungus? Its affected 90% of my plums…sigh…

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I have removed the affected plums

That could be insect or bird pecks.Was there any hail recently?

The first pic, there were several crescent moon marks. That is a typical wound made by plum curculio.

More than one pest love plums.

I have had a lot of birds recently, as I have overseeded my lawn…but I just presumed they would take larger chunk and/or wait for it to ripen?

As for pests/insects, I have cut them open, nothing inside…can the pests have damaged from outside only?

I am not sure about bird pecking. My fruit pecked by birds , the scars were very obvious.

Re. Spray, you can do low impacted or synthetic. The info is in the Guides category.

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The curculios lay an egg in the flap of the crescent shaped scars. You wouldn’t see anything yet. The egg would eventually hatch and a tiny grub would slowly eat its way to the seed.

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I have sprayed the tree.

So far, the plums I left on have no further damage…although annoyingly, they are a lot smaller than the ones I had to remove.

This feels like a war - one front is birds, another is squirrels, another aphids, another beetles/weevils…argh.

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