Plum ID (Aldi)

Aldi sells a Plum that my wife and I have enjoyed the last 2 summers but I’ve tried many times and can’t figure out what it is. Very dark practically black flesh, yellow inside, about 2" in size. Only ID on the packaging is “Moonlight Farms” (whose website is entirely unhelpful). Is it even a Plum or is it a cross?

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looks like a japanese plum, my guess is blackamber. I wish I could find a better table listing the most commonly planted california plums by acres, but I only have this, by % of tree sales (page 7), you can see blackamber is one of the major plums (but really, one of many different ones to cover different harvest windows):

blackamber is about santa rosa +2 so I think it’s in season now. I actually dread their arrival because my local grocery store seems to get a massive pile of them and then store them in the fridge and pull some out once a week for the next three months, and I don’t really like them, but they start taking shelf space away from other things

there are lots of other plums that look like that, though, could be a number of varieties

Thanks. That’s at least a starting point. Due to this forum I’ve gained a disdain for generically labeled fruits. “Plums” is not a variety!! I’ve wondered if it’s a cherry plum cross or Japanese Plum but have no idea how to tell the difference between them either. Plums are generally not sold by many stores where I’m at so the amount of things I can compare to is extremely small! All I have are pictures and descriptions!