Plum tree pollinizers

Hi, I have three plum trees in my small orchard, all about 5 or 6 years old: Methley, Toka, and an unknown that I was told by the nurseryman was Ruby Queen. They all bloom well, but there isn’t much overlap in their blooming times. Only Methley has borne fruit for me, and not much at that. The supposed Ruby Queen blooms about two weeks after Methley. Can anyone suggest another variety or two that would be good pollinizers for my existing trees? I didn’t plan my plantings very well, sadly. Help! Thank you!

Hi Mark
There are a fair number of Asians that will cross pollinate yours.
You can pull up my blossom time data sheet from this springs update here to get some ideas
Kent, wa

Thanks, Dennis. That was very helpful. I wish I had noted the date on which each of my plum trees were beginning to bloom. That would be helpful. From what I’ve seen online, my unknown plum sold to me as a ‘Ruby Queen’ is supposed to bloom concurrent with Methley, but it always has bloomed a good two weeks later, and–of course–has never borne any fruit. It looks like ‘Superior’ would be a good pollinizer for my Toka, or maybe some wild plum trees. I appreciate your taking the time to give me some help. Thanks again.

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