Oblinaya is clingstone, flavor is good if not fairly typical for a Japanese type. It’s nice and early and seems somewhat pest and disease resistant, which makes it a winner in my yard. Just started picking them, only Kuban Comet is earlier.
I’ve been searching for early plums. Which of those would you say is the best?
Purple Heart is my fav, but you will need another early blooming Japanese type to pollinate
Are there any self pollinating plums that are good for zone 6?
Nothing that is alleged to bear as consistently with or without a pollinator, but you can start with one tree and graft other varieties on it. J. plums are real easy. Choose a vigorous, relatively cold hardy variety like Shiro and add to it once it is plugged in.
Can you link the recipe? I may be making some Nadia Cherry Plum and/or AU Producer jam this weekend.
I just made the connection to Facebook.
Nice. I’m thinking that anyone with a nice sunny spot in his yard should grow at least one fruit tree of the most reliable variety in his area.
The lowest quality fruit I grow is about equal to the best I can get at Whole Foods.
What are the small yellow and purplish plums? They are the size of Mirabelles, but I wouldn’t think Mirabelles are mid season in Maine.
Hi Jesse,
What is your process for germination of hybrid plums? Do you know if hybrids are usually true to the variety when grown from seed?
I bought these from a local store for taste testing and I’m saving the seeds to see if I can grow them out. I hope to locate scions for Superior and Toka next spring, last spring I ordered from a nursery but the scions came with buds already breaking out, so the grafts were unsuccessful.
Kent, wa
The small yellows look like Geneva Mirabelle, are they or are they a wild one?
Kent, wa
Emerald Beaut is supposed to be a Japanese plum, that apparently walks and talks like a pluot.
Beach plums
Beach plum
Are the red ones also beech plums
In California Emerald Beaut plum harvesting in October so I don’t think good idea for planting it in western Washington. I just like something harvest before raining season. A lot of European plum has worms in the fruits if they ready to pick in raining season here.
Small red/purple are beach plums like the small yellow as well- they are selections from Rutgers Dr Uva
Dave Wilson says Emerald Beaut begins harvest in mid August. Apparently they can hang on the tree for months, but they are available now:
@JesseinMaine or @JesseS Did you end up trialing the Toka crosses for fruit? If so, how did they turn out?