I put together some polls and I am interested to see the results. I’ve replaced the original polls with polls that can integrate into this forum and make it less of a hassle to fill out. Sorry to those of you that already filled the polls out but there is no easy way to transfer those results to the new polls.
A few things to keep in mind:
I cannot include every variety in these polls. There are simply far too many varieties to include all of them. What I did was start from memory and then look at websites like Dave Wilson, Raintree, and ACN to include a lot of the more popular varieties. I left out apple simply because there are thousands of varieties and I couldn’t figure out a way to develop a decent poll. I’m sure I’ve brain farted and left out some of the best varieties but I think I have most of the varieties everyone talks about. For each poll I’ve included an option at the bottom that states “Other”. It’s a generic option to select in the event I don’t have your favorite listed. If by chance you choose “other” feel free to reply to the thread with the actual variety I left off.
Lastly, this is just for fun. It means nothing but like the member map I created it’s interesting to see the results. Aside from the favorite fruit question, the other polls are not based on how easy the fruit is to grow or it’s disease resistance. It’s strictly based on taste and texture and overall enjoyment.
The premise is this: Assuming that all fruit listed is at peak ripeness and you could pick any single piece to eat which one would you select? Have at it.
Favorite Fruit
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aprium
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Cherry - Bush
- Cherry - Sour
- Cherry - Sweet
- Cherimoya (For Joe)
- Grapes
- Figs
- Hardy Kiwi
- Jujube
- Medlar
- Mulberry
- Nectarine
- Paw-Paw
- Peach
- Pear - Asian
- Pear - Euro
- Persimmon
- Plum - Euro
- Plum - Japanese
- Plumcot
- Pluerry
- Pluot
- Pomegranate
- Quince
- Raspberry
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one European Pear to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Abate Fetel
- Ayers
- Bartlett
- Bella Di Giugno
- Blakes Pride
- Bosc
- Clapps Favorite
- Comice
- Conseiller a la Coeur
- D’Anjou
- Doyenne D Juliette
- Duchesse d’Angouleme
- Fleming Beauty
- Forelle
- Gorhem
- Harrow Crisp
- Harrow Delight
- Harrow Sweet
- Harvest Queen
- Hood
- Keiffer
- Magness
- Moonglow
- Orient
- Potomac
- Seckel
- Southern King
- Sunrise
- Warren
- Winter Nelis
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Asian Pear to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Chojuro
- Drippin Honey
- Hamese
- Hosui
- Ichiban Nashi
- Ishiiwase
- Korean Giant
- Kosui
- Mishirasu
- Natika
- 20th Century (Nijiseiji)
- Seuri
- Shinko
- Shinseiki
- Tsu Li
- Ya Li
- Yoinashi
- Yongi
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Plum (Euro or Japanese) to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Beauty
- Black Amber
- Burbank
- Burgandy
- Elephant Heart
- Emerald Beaut
- Fortune
- Friar
- Golden Nectar
- Hollywood
- Howard Miracle
- Kelsey
- Laroda
- Lavinia
- Mariposa
- Methley
- Ozark Premier
- Purple Heart
- Ruby Queen
- Santa Rosa
- Satsuma
- Shiro
- Superior
- Toka
- Wickson
- Blue Damson
- Bluebyrd
- Castleton
- Green Gage
- Italian Prune
- Long John
- LY9
- Middleburg
- Rosy Gage
- Seneca
- Stanley
- Sugar plum
- Spring Satin
- Valor
- Victory
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Peach to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Arctic Supreme
- Athena
- Autumn Star
- Baby Crawford
- Belle of Georgia
- Clayton
- Contender
- Cresthaven
- Dessert Gold
- Early Crawford
- Elberta
- Ernie’s Choice
- Eve’s Pride
- FF Series Peaches
- Galaxy
- Glenglo
- Gold Dust
- Golden Gem
- Golden Jubilee
- Halehaven
- Harkin
- Indian Free
- Intrepid
- Kit Donnell
- Lady Nancy
- Loring
- May Pride
- Mid Pride
- New Haven
- O’Henry
- PF Series Peaches
- Red Baron
- Red Haven
- Red Top
- Reliance
- Rich Lady
- Rich May
- Rio Oso gem
- Saturn
- Sweet Blaze
- Scarlet Prince
- Sun Haven
- Sweet Bagel
- Tang O
- Summerset
- Winblo
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Apricot to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Autumn Glo
- Blenheim
- Chinese Sweet Pit
- Early Autumn
- Early Blush
- Flavor Giant
- Flora Gold
- Florilege
- Gold Kist
- Golden Amber
- Golden Sweet
- Harcot
- Harglow
- Hargrande
- Harogem
- Hunza
- Katy
- Monique White
- Moorpark
- Nugget
- Orangered
- Puget Gold
- Riland
- Robada
- Tilton
- Tomcot
- Wenatchee Moorpark
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Nectarine to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Arctic Blaze
- Arctic Glo
- Arctic Jay
- Arctic Queen
- Arctic Rose
- Arctic Star
- Arctic Sweet
- Avalon
- Cavalier
- Desert Delight
- Double Delight
- Eastern Glo
- Fantasia
- Flavortop
- Hardired
- Harko
- Honey Blaze
- Honey Bowl
- Honey Flame
- Honey Glo
- Honey Kist
- Honey Lite
- Honey Royale
- Jade
- John Rivers
- June Glow
- Le Grand
- Lord Napier
- Mercicrest
- Nectafest
- Redgold
- Silver Gem
- Snow Brite
- Snow Queen
- Spice Zee (Nectaplum)
- Summer Beaut
- Sunglo
- Other
0 voters
If you had to choose only one Pluot to eat at peak ripeness what would it be?
- Dapple Dandy
- Dapple Supreme
- Emerald Drop
- Flavorosa
- Flavor Finale
- Flavor Grenade
- Flavor King
- Flavor Queen
- Flavor Supreme
- Geo Pride
- Splash
- Other
0 voters