Potted Tam Kam Asian persimmon 2021

My 4 potted Tam Kam Asian persimmon are loaded with flowers again this year. This is the only way to grow non-astringent Kaki in Z5 Omaha with -29F once in a while.


Wow! Your tree probably has more flowers than mine this year even though mine is around 12 feet tall now. Do you grow any earlier ripening non-astringent trees to spread your harvest? Tam Kam ripened at the end of October for me. I was picking Matsumoto a month earlier.

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Your trees’ development is always ahead of mine. My Tam Kam (grafted on a NG)just woke up a couple of weeks ago.


This is good news Tippy. I want my persimmons waking up late to avoid frosts! Their new buds have no frost tolerance.


Persimmons and jujubes leaf out very late here. If they ever got hit with frost or late freeze, everything else in my yard would be wiped out!!


The only others Kaki I have are a grafted branch of Chocolate on one of a Tam Kam and a 3 years old bark grafted Rojo Brillante from aap scionwood with one flower this year. I may let the fruit grow out for a taste test if it doesn’t drop.

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Most of my persimmons are absolutely loaded this year, Tam Kam included. Looking forward to finally trying it.



Do you have any recent photos of your persimmon trees. I remembered all your persimmon trees were huge several years back.

Just went out and took these:

Left to right: Nikita’s Gift, Saijo, Chinebuli

Tam Kam. I pruned out the central leader to keep it shorter, it had another 3-4’. Note the huge in the background.

Left to right: Early Golden, Lehman’s Delight

Prok and Deer Magnet double graft

Great Wall and Sheng double graft

I’m going to need a fruit stand this year!


Very healthy looking persimmon trees. Btw, you can dry the extra fruits for year round snacks.

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I have to learn how to use my dehydrator!

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Here is my Tam Kam from last season.


It’s nice to see the different growing habits of your trees. They don’t look too large overall.

Some are probably 15’ tall. Hopefully they fruit heavily this year and it pulls down the branches.


Wow, how can a tree so small be so productive?

Just growth it in a 15 to 20 gallons pot with moisture control miracle gro potting mix and added pine bark. It will produce around the 3 season for a grafted tree. I give it 10-10-10 fertilizer once in the early spring and the rest of the season just cover the base of the pot with fresh grass clippings every 3 weeks with daily water to keep the pot soil moist.


I’m also growing my IKKJ in a pot, ~18 gallon pot due to space. I was sure I saw the development of many buds in April, but now there’s only 6 flowers. I guess the the few days of late frost we had in NYC must’ve killed most of those buds :cry:


@ampersand How did I miss that nice fig right next to your house! Glad to see it’s doing well. Which ones are you growing in the ground?

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Hardy Chicago, Black Bethlehem, Longue d’Aout, Takoma Violet, Marseilles Black vs, Bari, Florea, Brooklyn White, Teramo, Campaniere, Green Michurinska, Adriatic JH, RdB, Malta Black, and Improved Celeste. I have too many figs.


What do you think of the Takoma Violet? That was the only fig variety I brought with me when I moved from WashDC to the Catskills. It was very hardy and early for me there, but never would ripen here. I finally just left it out overwinter to freeze. :pensive:

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