Preserving foraged goodies

The season is coming for fiddlehead ferns, devils club shoots, and watermelon berry shoots! They are truly fantastic, most definitely haute cuisine.

Does anybody here has a good method to preserve them? I was thinking about blanching and dehydrating. The suggestion i see online is freezing.

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Pickled fiddle heads are amazing. That’s certainly an option.

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blanching fiddleheads preserves their taste. canning makes them mushy. i blanch about 20lbs every spring. sautéing them in fresh garlic, butter, salt and pepper is to die for!

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I saw local Hmart
sales fiddlehead pickled. It can be stored for a long time.

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I’m just concerned of the limited uses of pickled ferns… I’ll certainly make a batch to play with.

I’m blessed with access to huge tracks of forests with a lot of swampy areas. Even the supposedly hard to find watermelon berry shots can be found in volume if you know where to look. Devils club, threatened in the lesser 48, grows endemic here.

But even with all my forest walking I’m yet to sort out where to look for morels :cry:

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we dont have any here either. our soil is too acidic for them.