"Prolific" Hardy kiwi?

Sorry for the late reply.

These pictures are from Oct. 22, 2022:

Prolific kiwi gave us just a handful of fruits. We had to hang small cages on this fruit cluster to keep off the marauding birds and varmints.

Decent sweet kiwi-berry with what ScottFSmith describes as a “green-bean component to the flavor.” Not the best, but not a dealbreaker. Still worth eating, if just for the reward of all the hard work, and the novelty.


Thank you for the update! So it does appear to actually be at least partially self fertile. Very interesting!

Yes it must be self-fertile. There are no other kiwi-berries around. But for its first several years, it has been a stingy setter and bearer.

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Not self-fertile, but self-fruitful like ‘Issai’. Notice the lack of seeds. The pollen is not viable, so no fertilization, but fruit sets parthenocarpically. You should get a lot more fruit with a male companion, and fruit will probably be larger.


Please keep us updated in future growing seasons!

I thought that as well, self fruitful, not self fertile.