Propagating Carmine Jewel Cherries

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That looks gorgeous. I want to do something like this but my season is so short that I could only effectively start cuttings for about two months out of the year. Beyond that the plants would not have enough time to develop before the next winter cycle starts.

season is kinda short here also, makes it tough for sure…

Where are you? Looks like you’ve definitely got the plant prop bug. I need to figure out how to make better use of my aeroponic setup… and finish my mist system. Timing Per Dirr etal I want to try softwood cuttings in June. And these darn cherries might be the final straw to get me to setup a better prp system. Cherry trees are Going for a pretty penny!! Looking for a Juliette to go with my Romeo. Seems strange theres only a few nurseries that sell the romance series and odd that (most?) the big Canadian propagators don’t ship cherries to the US.

Not sure if you were talking to me, but im in North Dakota.

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Carmine Jewels send up lots of suckers. Maybe try jabbing a shovel here and there around the bushes to encourage more.


Not carmine jewel, but juliet so similar. I dug up a bunch of suckers last fall and planted them 2 days ago, also had a bunch of root cuttings left over that didnt fit in the pots I was using so I figured Id give them a go at propagation also… I should have soaked them probably overnight to rehydrate but didnt. They were placed on top of about 6 inches of potting soil and covered with 1-2 inches of damp coarse sand. I put a heated propagation pad under the tote. I didnt water them in but I could, I just dont want to encourage rot… suggestions?

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I collected my Juliet suckers about 6 weeks ago and took the cut off ends of roots and put them a couple inches down in a 5 gallon nursery pot full of ProMix BX. It has been sitting out in my zone 7A (More like 8A these days) yard, just watered by the rain. @TheDerek your post made me curious so I just dug one up to check. It looks like it is pushing growth from the top end. They look green and since they are near the top I believe they must be new shoots developing. I like using ProMix BX for things like this, since I think (or at least hope, since I have no proof) that the mycorrhizae help the roots stay alive. But maybe I would be better off with something fast draining like the sand you have.

I have about 10 pieces of root in this one pot, so I hope to at least get a few viable plants. I’ll try to remember to report back, but here is what I found when I dug the one up. Sorry the focus isn’t great.


And in case anyone has a romance cherry and hasn’t tried collecting the suckers I highly recommend it as a simple way to propagate. I’m letting a few big suckers stay to make a little patch, but I harvest between 6 and 10 suckers every year and I don’t remember any of them not surviving. I give them to friends and neighbors locally and have traded some to folks here as well. Carmine Jewel suckers as well, but seems to do it less than Juliet. Here is a quick video of how I collect them in case it helps. @Palmy_Oceans this might be useful to you for the cherry you mentioned in the other thread.


This was very helpful, now I can get a better idea of how the whole process is done.

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Is there a way to distinguish carmine Jewel from North Star